The effect of density on quality

Needle density refers to the number of theoretical needles that the web receives over a unit area (1 square centimeter). Needle density is the most important process parameter. In general, the greater the density of needle punching, the stronger the product and the stronger it is. However, if the web is tight enough, then acupuncture will cause fiber damage or broken needles, which will cause the product to drop strongly. The depth of acupuncture is the length of the needle protruding from the web after the needle is puncture, in mm. Within a certain range, as the depth of needling increases, the entanglement between the fibers is more sufficient, and the strength of the product is improved, but the thorn is too deep, which causes the fiber to break and the product strength to decrease. Usually the depth of acupuncture is between 3 and 17 mm.