The dust holding capacity of the dust collector bag is also called dust load, which refers to the amount of dust accumulated on the filter material per unit area when a given resistance value is reached. The dust holding capacity of the bag of the dust collector affects the resistance of the filter material and the dust cleaning cycle. In order to avoid frequent dust removal and extend the life of the bag, the dust holding capacity of the filter material is generally required to be larger. The dust holding capacity is related to the porosity and air permeability of the filter material. The felt filter material has a larger dust holding capacity than the fabric filter material.

The filtration efficiency of the dust filter bag filter material is related to the filter material structure on the one hand, and also depends on the dust layer formed on the filter material. From the filter material structure, the filter effect of short fibers is higher than that of long fibers, and the ratio of felt filter materials is higher. The fabric filter material is high. From the perspective of the formation of the dust layer, the dust layer is destroyed after the thin filter material is cleaned, and the efficiency is greatly reduced. After the thick filter material is cleaned, a part of the dust can be retained in the filter material to avoid excessive dust removal. In general, high efficiency can be achieved without the filter material breaking. Therefore, as long as the design parameters are properly selected, the dust removal effect of the bag filter should be no problem.

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